Renegade legion centurion tog pdf
Renegade legion centurion tog pdf

renegade legion centurion tog pdf

Useful for more of brief applications of power (or emergency situations), such as an increased "alpha strike" capability, or emergency shield boosts (or manuvering.) Likely, the "increase" this provides is a small one at best, probably less than double, more like 120-150%, slanted more towards the lower end. This also exceeds the "safety margins" of their inertidal dampers, which is probably explained as them having a trouble rapidly adapting to sudden accelerations that one might utilize in combat. What this amounts to in terms of rationalization is that fighter reactors (and probably other reactors) have a fairly large "safetY" margin, and that fighter pilots can (to a certain extent) push the reactors beyond these limits. We know they can "over-run" the reactors to a certain extent, but that it endangers the ship. This is one of those "game mechanics" type stuff that is kind of quantifiable but won't tell us a great deal. Note that the last rating for all except one is "automatic" damage (that is, the for a thrust rating of two, the second thrust point always resorts in damage For three the third always does, and so on.) The catch is whether or not he damaged the planet in getting those thrust points.įor max thrust of 1, ,you can only push by one thrust point, 2 points for max of 2, 3 points for max of 3, 4 points for max of four, and 5 for five and above. Pushing the plant always reuslts in the pilot obtaining the extra thrust points he desires. The table also shows that the most any plant can be pushed is by 5 thrust points. Whenever a pilot asks his fighter to do something that is not normal to it, tehre is also the chance of breakdown. In cases where he needs more Thrust Points than he has, he may push the plantt. In any combat situation, a pilot will sometimes do anything to get that extra little bit of power to put is fighter in the best firing position. In fact its rather hard to devise a reason they do need it, but in the case of flicker shields it is probably possible.) Depending on interpretation, you could argue they devote minimal power from engines to weapons (say only gigajoules or maybe a few TJ of energy per shot) or alot (tens or hundreds of terajouels or even petajoules per shot.) And shields are a complete unknown (technically shields need NOT need power to consume. Note that in theory (especially by Leviathan rules) power is going to be equally divided (roughly), but this may or may not be the case. Note I say combat accelerations, because in this mode RL ships tend to rather sharply divide their power outputs between various systems- primarily guns, engines, and shields. This does pretty much set the rough standard for combat accelerations in renegade legion. The accelerative capabilities and the role of the Lancea. Like the Cheetah, the Lancea performs reconnaissance missions by being carried into a solar system attached to an escort, making a high speed pass through the system, then rendezvousing with the escort again to be baken back to its base. With 11 gs of acceleration, a high-thrust Lancea is the one of fastest fighters in the galaxy. In a reconnaissance role, the wing lasers are replaced with hard points and mounted with a variety of ordnance or surveillance equipment. Like the Commonwealth's Cheetah, the Lancea's main claim to fame is its speed.

renegade legion centurion tog pdf

Some integrated material qualifies as a "miscelaneous" source as its not specific to any one particualr ssystem, and will be in some cases handled individually (Shannedam County sourcebook) while others may be lumped in with another category (IE "integrated games that encomapss more than one format, as well as misc books.) suppelmentary materials (Wake of the KRaken, Fire Eagles, TEssDrake run) and the various technical or briefings will probably be grouped in some fashion (all the Centurion ones together, all the LEviathan ones together, etc.) I'll also probably lump "integrated" stuff into one category too. They're all pretty big and they can pretty much encompass only that Legionnaire) will get their own dedicated thred. Each "Primary" source (centuiron, Leviathan, Interceptor. The way this will go is probably the following: The one I plan to start with, of course, is Interceptor. WEll as a counterpoint to 40K I'll start doing renegade legion, like I said.

Renegade legion centurion tog pdf